Sunday, November 1, 2009

Regretful Regrets

Now I know I have previously posted that you should lie to spare a bride's feelings as to why you will not make it to her wedding. Recent circumstances have made me come to the realization that an amendment to that rule is needed.

Only lie if there is no way the bride will find out that you lied.

Example: A couple told us they would not make it to our wedding as they would not be able to travel with their baby. We totally understood and were not upset in the least bit. So this morning, as I'm checking the blogs I frequent, I see that they posted a gallery of travel photos of their last trip which above mentioned baby joined them on. Not only did they travel with the baby, they traveled cross country, actually made a pit stop in the middle and then gushed about what a good traveler their baby is. Now my fiancee and I are not upset about this and are finding it rather comical really. But seriously, if your going to lie, don't put a post on your family blog, or facebook, or family newsletter that indicates you were clearly lying. It's best to start off with an iron proof lie that it will be really hard for you to get caught in.